Board of Directors and Staff

The offices of the Elizabeth Park Conservancy are housed in the “Cottage,” a small green building across from the Rose Garden. 

 This building was formerly the Caretaker’s Cottage for the Park, and is a two-story, frame and gable roof house with twin chimneys. It is the only building here that existed during the lifetime of the Park donor, Mr. Charles Pond. Documentation suggests it was most likely built around 1875, making it the oldest building in the Park. Theodore Wirth moved the Caretaker’s Cottage from Asylum Avenue to its present location in 1898 when he created the Farmstead as the working center for the Park.

Elizabeth Park Conservancy Staff

President & CEO
Christine Doty
860-231-9443, ext 102

Director of Park Operations
Kathy Kraczkowsky
860-231-9443, ext 103

Director of Office Operations
Ann Drinan

Development & Marketing Manager
Kelly Nolen
860-231-9443, ext 106

Development Advisor
Margaret Tilney

Garmany Visitor Center Manager
Barbara Plante

Garmany Visitor Center Gift Shop Manager
Stephanie Webb

Greenhouse Manager & Head Gardener
Ben Weidner
860-231-9443, ext 104

Head Rose Gardener
Mark Gutzmer 

Wesley Gage, David Rivera

Seasonal Rose Gardeners
Terry D’Italia, Betty Hogan & Constantino Ramirez

Elizabeth Park Conservancy Consultants

Stephen Scanniello

Rosemary Aldridge

Horticulturist Emeritus

Robert A. Prill

Elizabeth Park Conservancy Board of Directors

Current Directors

Chair Edward Samorajczyk
Vice Chair Nancy Porter
Vice Chair Avery Buell
Treasurer David Jepson
Asst. Treasurer Francine Christiansen
Secretary Bradley Harper

Asst. Secretary Rosemarie Tate

Immediate Past Chair Marian Kellner

Joanne Eudy
Liana M. Douillet Guzmán
Diana Jepsen

Christopher McCarron
Charlie Ortiz
Lewis Robinson
Leslie Smith
Donna Stout
M. Laurie Wasserstein

Honorary Lifetime Directors

Tina Collias *
Michelle Drain
Mike Fuss
Joanna Gerber, MD*
Paul Grimmeisen
Victor Jarm *
Louis Lista
Marianne Lorenzo
Nancy Mixter
John Balf Morgan
Levette Perkins
Dave Peterson
Sali Riege *
Eve Silvester *
Lisa Silvestri
William Turull
Lina Wagner *
Kim Yarum
* deceased

Former Presidents/Chairs

Laura Berman
Mike Fuss
Garnette Johnson *
Helen S Kaman *
Kathy Kraczkowsky
Charlie Ortiz
Dave Peterson
Anne Pinto *
Lisa Silvestri
Lina Wagner *
Milton Young *
* deceased

Elizabeth Park Conservancy Ambassadors

Beverly Baker
David & Sandra Bobowski
Eileen Buell
Kimberly Byrd
Susan Clemow
Adam Cohen
Halsey & Michele Cook
Anna Corcoran
Jared & Clare Edwards
David Ellovich
Ann Marie Fauliso
Ben & Ellen Flynn

Al Gatti
Bill Gleason
Debbie Grazier
William Howard & Liz Kaplan

Violette Haldane
Karen Huhtanen
Susan Izard
Louise Kaufman
Kitty & Jack Keane
Rob Kret

Katherine Lambert
Paddi LeShane
Penny Lisi
Tina McCary
Kathy Marr
Mary Martin
Carole Mucha
Eileen Pollack
Nat Reeves
Marisela Sener
Kirsten Shea
Lisa Silvestri
Michelle Souza
Jessie Stasulis

Donna Stout
Elizabeth (Lisa) Stout
Mary Tulumaris
Connie Williams