Walk Run Bike Play in Elizabeth Park

United Healthcare is sponsoring a special “Walk Run Bike Play” initiative in Elizabeth Park.

Beginning in 2017, United Healthcare decided to sponsor a series of “Walk Run Bike Play” programs in Elizabeth Park to promote the Park as a destination and place for healthy living—whether through exercise, meditation, or communing with nature. The Elizabeth Park Conservancy is very grateful for this sponsorship and has advertised with flags at the entrances to the Park and across from the Cottage.

Parks play an important role for people to exercise. Through the efforts of the Elizabeth Park Conservancy, the Park is safe, clean, and welcoming. Elizabeth Park is your outdoor gym. Wallking is one of the best stress reducers and healthiest for your heart. Walking just requires a good pair of sneakers.

Other wellness activities include:

Walk with a Doc: Join Walk with a Doc* from UCONN Health (*and Future Doc!) for a walk in Elizabeth Park on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month at 9:00 am. This doctor and medical student-led group is a fun and safe place to go for a walk, learn about health, and meet new friends. The event is FREE and all are welcome! Meet in the picnic area across from the Pond House Café. Click HERE for more information.

Yoga in Our City: During the spring, summer and fall, Hartford-based studio Vasu Tribe Yoga hosts yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 5:30 p.m. on the Rose Garden Lawn. No charge – just bring your own mat and water bottle. Visit their website or email hello@yogainourcity.com for more information.

Falun Dafa: Falun Dafa is held on Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on the Rose Garden Lawn. Falun Dafa exercises are a unique and enjoyable way to improve your health and well-being. No charge – just wear comfy clothes. Contact information: 860-221-8835 or email Falun.Dafa.CT@gmail.com.

Tennis: Phil Gordon Tennis hosts tennis lessons and games from June 20th to September 3rd, Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Meet at the tennis courts on the corner of Asylum and Prospect Avenues. For ages 6 to 17 years old. Lessons are free – wear sneakers. Contact information: 860-655-2122.