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Subtitle content whenever it appears (Paragraph): Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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Text (Paragraph Style): At the time of his death, Charles Pond left a working farm with various farm buildings and barns. One of the first things Theodore Wirth, the first Park Superintendent in 1897, did was to assemble the barns and other buildings into one unified area called the Farmstead.
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The Caretaker’s Cottage, now the Conservancy’s offices, is a two-story, frame and gable roof house with twin chimneys. It represents a 19th century house that is typical of the times. Mr. Wirth moved the Caretaker’s Cottage from Asylum Avenue to its present location in 1898. It was the home of the caretaker of the grounds for Mr. and Mrs. Pond, and is the only building here that existed in Mr. Pond’s time. Documentation suggests it was most likely built around 1875, making it the oldest building in the Park. Subsequent Park Supervisors and their families lived in the caretaker’s cottage. The last caretaker, Tom Queeno, lived here with his family until the 1970s. It has been home to the Elizabeth Park Conservancy since 1977.